Make sure you report examples to generally be edited or to not be exhibited. Rude or colloquial translations are often marked in red or orange. 首先先決定你的定位是,技術型陪玩還是聊天型陪玩,現在基本上只有這兩種 如果系統還是不聽話,請您聯繫客服中心,客服人員會替您解決問題(�
Make sure you report examples to generally be edited or to not be exhibited. Rude or colloquial translations are often marked in red or orange. 首先先決定你的定位是,技術型陪玩還是聊天型陪玩,現在基本上只有這兩種 如果系統還是不聽話,請您聯繫客服中心,客服人員會替您解決問題(�